Saturday, November 30, 2019
Two Conversation and Imagination Poems by Coleridge free essay sample
This paper discusses two poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridge from the Romantic period of the English literature. This paper discusses the differences between Samuel Taylor Coleridges two poems: Frost at Midnight, and Pains of Sleep. These two poems are of different themes and forms and yet exhibit the creativeness found in Coleridges works. The author also explains how Coleridge was also a literary critic who defined the category of conversation and imagination poems. Pains of Sleep is another literary work from Coleridge, and it was written in 1803. Contrary to the melancholy tone yet positive outlook of the poets behavior in Frost at Midnight, Pains of Sleep shows the agony experienced by the poet in his struggle to overcome his opium addiction and its after-effect. The poem discusses Coleridges fear of sleep, and of dreaming. It is evident in the poems anguished tone that it Coleridge describes his agony in descriptive detail. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Conversation and Imagination Poems by Coleridge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Pains of Sleep is categorized as an example of an imagination poem, a poem that contains brilliant imagery and supernatural elements, and is far-off from the ordinary world of people. Imagery during the Romantic period is a powerful tool to express a message in creative and descriptive detail, and is often referred to as the sensations that language creates in the mind.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Time Travel essays
Time Travel essays The Twins Paradox uses Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity to explain that time travel is possible. Let's say two twins are on Earth. They are both twenty years old. One leaves in a spaceship. She is gone for sixty years. When she returns the twin that remained on Earth is eighty years old, she on the other hand appears to be about thirty. How did this happen? Her spaceship must have been traveling at or above the speed of light. When traveling at the speed of light time slows down. It doesn't really slow down (to you the person in the spaceship) time to the people on Earth seem to speed up. It is impossible to travel back in time, but if a human can travel fast enough they can bend time enough to not age as fast relative to humans on Earth. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Article Critique Essay Example for Free (#2)
Article Critique Essay The author of this article is a Canadian who has raised the alarm on the increasing number poverty stricken people hence springing up of ghettos in big cities. The author rhetorically is asking a question whether there are ghettos in Canadian cities. The author is coming up with many ghetto synonyms but yet they are of not the same meaning. The name like enclave sound more ethnical and it has been described as a grouping of people from the same ethnic group living in a low income earning or a poor neighbourhood. The article pinpoints that in the year 2001 families residing in high poverty levels doubled the year 1981. The message in the article is directed to the authorities in these cities to get warned of a looming crisis and look for ways to alter the trend. The message is not has to any group that it mentions that is the people from the enclaves and the ghettos. The article has outlined many causes of ghettos in Canadian cities. Poverty has been rated as the number one cause and this article gives figures from the research to substantiate its claim. The exact time is given when immigration policy of Canada was changed and the change swung Canada into a cultural and social crisis or socio cultural crisis. According to the authorities and the research that has been carried out immigration puts Canadian cities on spotlight of having many poor neighbourhoods. The author also makes a comparison between Canadian and American cities whereby Canadian cities are going more enclave than ghettos in America. In American cities the traditional definition of a ghetto is a residential district that concentrates racial Enclave tends to collect people of the same ethnic background together while ghettos collect poor people from various ethnic backgrounds. In both cases, people involved are affected by poverty and low income level. From one of the researches that have been done, the article reveals that an alarm was raised about the growth of neighbourhood poverty in Canada. The article pinpoints groups of people who make up the population who end up to the ghettos. Their background is partly covered by poverty and the article further expose that these are immigrants from Asia, Africa, West Indies and Latin America. The research that was conducted showed that between 1971 and 2001 is the period when the majority of the Canadian population was born in the back mentioned countries. Nevertheless, some cities like London there are no ghettos and this is due to the efforts of the councils. However, I take the article head to mention that it does not clearly outline and show the consequences of the increasing population in ghettos and mushrooming of ghettos and enclaves. In many a times these nighbourhoods have been associated with crime and drugs. Does is it mean the researches that were conducted didn’t capture these common phenomenon that is associated with ghettos? Furthermore, the article does not highlight any ways that have been adopted to combat the expanding ghettos and enclaves without necessarily disrupting the social cultural set of these people in the ghettos. Walks, A. R. Bourney, L. S. (2006). The Canadian Geographer Publication: Article Critique. (2016, Dec 14).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Computer Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Computer Security - Essay Example To understand the corporate motivations of the creative industry players to invest fully into DRM we must look at the implications of these technical protective measures. With the growing and wide spread advent of new digital video recording, distribution technologies, and the widespread availability of internet piracy measures of technology having a direct impact on the distribution channels and sales of these industries the critical concern faced by these corporations is the fact that they cannot compete with freely available copies of their content. The movie studios are particularly effected as competing with free is concerning for them mainly because their content is more prone to single use consumption than the other industries such as music. A range of industry wide efforts have been undertaken that have build up to the adoption of DRM. Such as Serial Management System for digital audio tape that was authorized by the Congress which aimed to make difficult the task of making f aithful copies of copies; a measure that was made obsolete after the proliferation of other digital mediums.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Resonsibilities imposed on contractors by Regulation 2 of the Case Study
Resonsibilities imposed on contractors by Regulation 2 of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations - Case Study Example This research aims to evaluate and present the responsibilities imposed on contractors by Regulation 2 of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations. Construction is considered amongst one of the most dangerous land based activities in the working sector of Japan. Although the working population in the construction sector is only about 10%, it still accounts for 30% of the work casualties and 40% of the fatalities in Japan. Hong Kong has the highest construction hazard rates. Falls from height, crashes, excavation accidents, being hit by an object etc are common construction hazards. Even after the rate dropped from 350 per 1000 workers in mid 1980 to 60 per 1000 workers in 2007, it still accounted for nearly 20% of all the industrial accidents in Hong Kong. To attain a level of zero fatalities while on construction sites, has been set as a political goal by the government of Japan. Hong Kong has had a very poor safety record. The lack of awareness/low level of education of the cons truction workers, multi level subcontracting, high mobility of workforce etc can be considered prime reasons for theses construction hazards amongst others. Even though Hong Kong has passed its own laws and ordinances to help decrease the number of fatal accidents in the construction working sector, it will only have an impact depending on how it is enforced. Mr John Wu, an architect, signed a contract with Hung Ki Dvelopment company to design and develop a 50 storey building. Mr Wu then assigned Lap Ming Ltd to be the contractor for the builder work, which will take up to 85% of the total contract sum for the formation of the building. Since the scenario doesn't specify, we will make the assumption that the architect John Wu entered a contract with Sunny Construction Ltd, specialist contractors for the building services works. Building services engineers are responsible for the design, installation, operation and monitoring of the mechanical, electrical and public health systems re quired for the safe, comfortable and environmentally friendly operation of modern buildings2. Lap Ming Ltd then signed a subcontract with Star Decorator Ltd, also specialist contractors, to complete the internal decorations. The construction work began on 2.10.03 after the application was approved by the building authorities, submitted by Lap Ming. On 1.8.05, the operations of the building works and the internal decorations were in full swing when the foolish behavior of Chan Sam, led to a fatal accident of a casual worker. Chan Sam, a direct employees of the fire services subcontractor, used an excavator to move some iron piping to a workplace near the pump house on ground floor level. He was being accompanied by a female worker, and in order to entertain her, he drove the excavator in a zigzag manner. Suddenly the iron bars swung out, and fell near a moving lorry, being driven by Mak Sam, who was lowering the tiles needed for the internal decorations. The sudden loud noise sent Ma k Sam into a shock, causing him to lose his balance and accidently push the wrong control lever, which resulted in the crane to move in some other direction and hit the head of a casual worker, Li Yick, who was pronounced dead upon his arrival to the hospital. Both the workers from the builder services (Cham Sam) and the internal decorators (Mak Sam) are directly involved in this accident. According to our assumption, Sunny builder services were hired by the architect John Wu, upon clients request, and the internal decorators Star Ltd entered into a subcontract with Lap Ming Ltd, making both John Wu and Lap Ming to be indirectly involved with the accident. Since Hung Ki was assigned to overlook the construction of the building, he is also indirectly involved. Mr John Wu is just an architect by profession, his job is to design the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Top 10 Issues in America Essay Example for Free
Top 10 Issues in America Essay One issue where the stakes are simply too high to ignore China is rising. America should look for cooperative mechanisms to advance its goals where possible but continue to press bilaterally with China and better deploy regional and international mechanisms where necessary. To be above china again America needs to restore financial stability. With U.S. financial troubles at the center of the current global vortex, the U.S. has important obligations to strengthen the global financial system, including by enhancing financial regulation and diminishing reliance on foreign credit. Our health care needs to have some sort of ability so that every American citizen can have affordable health care. Each and every citizen has the right to be helped if they are medically in trouble and fighting for there life so we should be able to help everyone in America. Another issue that America our National Security which deals with a lot of gun violence. Many guns are being sold illegally everyday on the streets. American citizens in some places cant walk down there streets or go to school without being worried about being shot to death. The gun shootings show that a lot of people do not care about our world until it is there issue. An issue that many seem to now care about is pollution. We the citizens of America are the ones creating the issue of pollution but why do many not care. Another problem that America has is immigration. We are having a lot of people try and illegally come live here and work here which is making a lot of our citizens not able to get a job. Immigration can also lead us to the issue of over population. We as a country are over populated. This issue makes it harder for a lot of people to get jobs to be financially stable. Also creates a low amount of space in where we can fit more homes. America likes to spend a lot of there time watching what the media has to say. Media is wrecking our society by giving people images of what we should look like and what we should be which is destroying many individuals. Also the only thing that media likes to show us on the news is all the bad stuff that goes on in the world. We need to start showing more positive views of who we are rather than another person being shot for no apparent reason. I also think that because of media a lot of Americans are not exercising properly leading to the issue of obesity. This big issue in America a lot of our citizens are over weight. A way this issue is somewhat being fixed is in New York they banned large bottled soda. America has a lot of issues that all seem to somehow tie together. I feel that if we start demolishing some of the issues we have that sooner or later the other issues that tag along with the main issue with disappear. So as one American Citizen to another wouldnt it be better to start tackling the issue today as opposed to tomorrow? Five Most Important Rights to American Citizens Five Most Important Responsibilities of the American Citizen
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hinduism and Buddhism Essay -- Religion religious Compare Contrast Ess
Hinduism and Buddhism The concept of God It is first of all necessary to establish what is meant by the term "God". This term is used to designate a Supreme Being endowed with the qualities of omnipotence and omniscience, which is the creator of the universe with all its contents, and the chief lawgiver for humans. God is generally considered as being concerned with the welfare of his human creatures, and the ultimate salvation of those who follow his dictates. God is therefore a person of some kind, and the question whether such an entity exists or not is fundamental to all theistic systems. In contrast to this notion of a personal God some modern theologians have interpreted the term "God" as representing some kind of abstract principle of good. This view was first developed in the ancient Indian Upanishads where God is equated with an abstract principle, the Brahman. The ancient Indian philosophers could entertain such a view because they also had a theory of karma, which really does away with the need for a personal God. Buddhists too have a theory of karma, which is different from that of the Hindus, and which even more unequivocally dispenses with the need for a deity. The use of the term "God' to denote an abstract reality by monotheistic theologians who have no theory of karma is difficult to justify, consequently this is merely a device to explain away the contradictions that arise from the notion of a personal God. In fact the actual practice of theistic religion proceeds as if God is a real person of some kind or other. Buddhism Buddhist gods Buddhism has 33 Gods the most potent one of them all is Indra. It is Buddhist beliefs that the gods and spirits are with us persistently. The mountain Meru can be compared with mount Olympus of the Greek gods. Buddhists believe that on top of this sacred mountain are the 33 gods with Indra as their principal. Buddhism primary principal is moral strength and exercises. It is concluded in three regions. The first is the principles of lust, which belongs to the realm of animals, humans and various divine essences. The realm of the gods consists of six levels, which are the liberation of material desires. The subsequent region compromises entities that are born in the dominion of the Braham gods liberated from lust and wishes, they constitute a term of embodiment. They divide in four stages wh... ...e if one means by originality an idea or an utterance not found previously in any creed or philosophy, or never before inculcated by any moral and spiritual leader, then surely you cannot find it anywhere. Neither Abraham nor Moses nor Jesus nor Buddha nor Muhammed said anything that could not be found either in the religious tradition in which they were born or in creeds and philosophies in other times and places. Many of the great moral teachers often make a direct reference to others, and even if they do not, one can relate their ideas to something that has gone before. To Pernilla Thank you for being patient and I apologize for not turning it in the day I was to. Enjoy your trip. Sources: Internet CD-ROM Encyclopedia Websters concise interactive Encyclopedia Printed in 1996 by Merriam-Webster Microsoft Encarta Uppslagsverk 2001 Printed in 2001 by Microsoft Corporation Books Religions for Today Authour: Roger Whiting Stanley Thornes Publisher Ltd Printed in 1991 The New Webster’s International Encyclopedia Revised Edition 1998 Edition and published by Trident Press International
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Human Rights Act
Amy has dementia and lives in a residential home. In the mornings Amy has always been able to get out of bed and get dressed with some minimal support and then walk independently down to the dining area where she has chosen to have breakfast. Over the past week Amy has been staying in bed longer and longer; she is reluctant to get up in the morning and does not do very much for herself when getting dressed. Her mobility has reduced also and she has started to get pressure sores. Amy’s appetite has also become very poor and she usually only eats a few spoonful’s of her food. When carers encourage her to eat more she refuses.The Human Rights actThe human rights act is there to protect people, young, old, rich and poor. They give people the right to freedom of speech, right of freedom, privacy and to be equally treated (not discriminated). This links to Amy because with Amy having dementia she may do certain things that are not appropriate. An example could be when she goe s to the toilet she decide not to close the door and leave it wide open for people see inside. As one of her care workers it would be my duty to try my best to close the door. As much as Amy may protest it is part of my job to protect Amy’s privacy and dignity.The Mental Capacity actThe mental capacity act has been put into place to make it possible for adults who are unable to make decisions for them to be able to make certain decisions for themselves. ‘Under the Mental Capacity Act a person is presumed to make their own decisions â€Å"unless all practical steps to help them make a decision have been taken without success†.’ This would link into Amy when she decisions for example if she decides she wants to live on her own for the rest of her life. At some point in this decision there will be a problem financially and providing a one to one carer for the whole of the day and night.Putting people first FrameworkPutting people first was put in place to out line responsibilities of care workers when working with dementia. Some of the responsibilities include; making sure the patient has taken any medication they need to take, ensuring they have had something to eat and drink throughout the day. It is very easy for somebody with dementia to become anorexic or obese because their short term memory can make them forget that they have had nothing to eat or in the opposite way that they have already had their something. This framework will help Amy because it would be their care workers responsibility to make sure they have had breakfast and write it down if she has or not for the next care worker who may be a part of her team because then they cannot just assume Amy has had something to eat or not.There are many different types of roles and responsibilities that come with being a care worker for somebody with dementia. The care worker has to promote dignity for the service user. Respect them and give them independence, their rights and pri vacy.Again giving them privacy could just be by closing their toilet door so nobody can see them when on the toilet. Focusing on strengths and the things they have the ability to do. For example when lied in bed if they can’t sit up to help themselves out of bed, rather than saying ‘you know you can’t do that on your own, you don’t need any help’ ask them ‘do you want some help? I’ll help you up, you swing your legs out of bed then you can get up’. By focusing on the things they can do you’ll be helping to promote their independence to do something else.Involving their friends and family is another responsibility to a care worker to help the individual interact with family member and friends. This could just be by taking the service user for a walk to the park on a nice day with one of their friends. Giving them the chance to get some fresh air and interact with friends. Acting in the best interest of the individual.This c ould be just by when you do take them for a walk by making sure you use a pedestrian crossing rather than just crossing the road because there are no cars coming down the road. This links into the case study with Amy for because in the case study it says ‘she is reluctant to get to get up in the morning and does not do very much for herself when getting dressed.’ As well as promoting her independence, when giving her the opportunity to interact with friends and family your giving her a reason to want to get up in the morning.The job role of a care worker is mainly working within a team and not as an individual. For example if a service user has 3 or 4 different care workers throughout the day, the care workers would communicate in a diary by saying when the service user has had their breakfast and what time they took their medication. They may also promote their independence by using a tablet box. This would work because in the diary the first care worker could say â₠¬ËœAnn took her first tablet at 9 o’clock, she is next due to take her tablet 4 hours later which will be 1 o’clock, give her the tablet box and tell her she needs to take tablet 2’.By doing this you’re giving Amy as the service user independence to take the tablet herself your just supporting her by telling her when to take it. This would help to improve the service user’s health because it means all their tablets will be taken at the right time. Also having the professionals work as a team writing different things into the diary such as what time they had their breakfast and what they had will help to minimise chances for obesity. This will help Amy by trying to keep her health and fitness levels balanced.This will also help because each different professional will also know what they had and if they had something unhealthy such as fried bacon and egg on toast, the next professional may say ‘right ok you had fried foods for breakfast lets h ave something healthy for dinner such as a tuna pasta salad or a chicken and salad pita bread with a Muller light yoghurt. By doing this they are getting more of a balanced diet. They could also write in the amount of exercise the service user has had from going for a 20 minute walk with the dog, a half an hour game on the Nintendo Wii.There are many different approaches to dementia care and all the different approaches can have their own effect to Amy as the service user. For example in the case study it says ‘Amy has always been able to get out of bed and get dressed with minimal support’ then it says ‘over the past week Amy has been staying in bed longer and longer; she is reluctant to get up in the morning and does not do very much for herself when getting dressed.’ There are different approaches to how the care worker could work with this problem.If the care worker decides to help them get up by physically helping them, lifting them up and swinging their legs around to get them up and then get them dressed there could be quite a few possible outcomes with strengths and weaknesses of their own. One strength of this approach could be how Amy will then be up and ready for the day ahead. However a weakness to this approach could be how Amy has not done anything within the process. Another weakness to this approach could be how Amy may now expect to get this help every morning, because she has had full help and not had to do anything independently. A different approach to how the care worker could work with this problem could be by helping her with minimal help like usual.Saying to Amy ‘come on Amy, I’ll help you sit up, you swing your legs around if you can.’ Once Amy is up by then helping her get ready rather than just getting her ready. A strength to this approach could be how Amy will of managed to get herself with minimal support just like n a regular day. A weakness to this approach could be pain Amy may f eel when swinging her legs out of bed to get up.’ However another strength to this approach is how Amy has still had her independence promoted because she has still been able to do things for herself when getting ready. Therefore no matter what approach the care worker uses to encourage Amy to get up and get ready there will be strengths and weaknesses and effects to her. Whether or not they be good or bad effects.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Example of an Ethnolect Based Essay
The speech of an individual is a linguistic map of their identity and an indication of how they would like to be perceived. Migrants who come to Australia already possess the linguistic structures of their mother tongue, and these will affect the way they speak English, forming an ethnolect. Consequently, a person’s language is a clear indicator of their past ethnic origins, and the English they choose to speak will also indicate how they would like others to perceive them. This latter is true for everyone, as we all vary our language according to context. Bill is a young Chinese student who has come to Australia two years ago from China to further his education. His lexical field is wide and varied, he is able to use complex syntactic structures and his accent and prosodic features show a good familiarity with standard Australian English. However, it is still possible to find linguistic features which demonstrates that he is from a Chinese background, that he is male, that he has travelled, can appreciate humour, and that he would like to be perceived as an educated person with further academic goals. The phonological features of a person’s speech are the most obvious signposts to his or her origins or mother tongue. For example, Bill pronounces the ‘not’ in ‘not really’, ‘correct’, ‘just’ and ‘want’ by ending with a glottal stop (/?/), rather than the voiceless consonant (/t/). This occurs as final consonants are much less frequent in Mandarin than in English and thus they are normally dropped or replaced by a glottal stop. This could give linguists a clue on his origins or mother tongue. Bill also values the Australian accent, but there are also traces of American English in his speech, notably his pronunciation of ‘currently’, with the sound ‘ker’ (American) rather than ‘kar’ (Australian). This shows the subtle ways that every experience can affect a person’s identity as Bill has stayed in America for a short period of time, making his English slightly different from another Chinese student that has not had that experience. Local idioms and foreign borrowed words are also used in a non standard way by Bill. An example would be the way he pronounces ‘gourmet’, by analogy; he assumes that all letters are pronounced in English. However, since this word is of French origin, its final‘t’ should not be pronounced. Through the way a subject speaks, we could pinpoint his ethnic group. Although Bill has a wide and varied lexical field, he does not use many idiomatic Australian expressions. This could mean that he is either still a newcomer and has not become familiar with colloquial language, or he may not value these expressions (such as Aussie, veggie, mate†¦etc) as he might view them as low status words. This could show that he wants to be perceived as an educated, cultured person, instead of a rough Aussie. Even though English is not the subject’s mother tongue, he still has a fairy large lexicon, using lexemes such as â€Å"lucrative†, â€Å"environment†and â€Å"gourmet†, this could show that he has been exposed to English even before he migrated to Australia. Bill also uses the word â€Å"reckon†and â€Å"heaps†which shows that he has tried to fit into his peer group and that he has a good grasp of the type of language used by the people around him. A subject’s syntactic structures are another indication of his ethnic origins. The use of modal verbs is sometimes difficult for Chinese learners as there aren’t any tenses in Mandarin, and this is evident in Bill’s speech. For example, in his sentence ‘Basically, I can choose from a lot of country’/ The lack of plural is evident here ( country/countries), but also the verb ‘can’ is used in a non-standard way, it is used in its base form rather than the more accepted past tense, as in ‘I could choose from a lot of countries’. Leaving verbs in their base form is a feature of many Mandarin speakers, as in Mandarin, tenses are indicated by other means†¦. Another syntactic feature is the plural, which is sometimes not formed as shown before. For example, ‘my family member’, ‘at those stage’, ‘a lot of country’ and ‘different background’. Such non-standard usage also pinpoints Bill’s identity as a Chinese speaker as there are no plurals for nouns in Mandarin. Bill’s word order too is sometimes non standard, especially when expressing more complex ideas. For example, ‘aging population faces in Japan’ rather than ‘Japan too faces an aging population’. All these syntactic features contribute to his identity as a young Chinese student still in the process of mastering the English language. A subject’s attitude can also show what kind of speaker he or she would like to be perceived. For example, Bill states that he prefers the Australian accent over the Singaporean accent. This would show that he puts a high value on the Australian English and would like to be perceived as a English speaker From this, it can be seen that many features contribute to a person’s ethnolect, and from it we can deduce the subject’s identity and the way he or she wants to be perceived. Furthermore, migrants who come to Australia know that they must learn English, as ‘Nothing unites a country more than its common language. ‘(John Howard). However, each migrant, such as Bill, brings his own variation of English which is linked to his first mother tongue (in this case Mandarin). In this way, each person contributes to the rich tapestry of sounds, words and syntactic structures which make up Australia's history, culture and identity. ‘
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Battle of Biography of Charles Martel, Frankish Ruler
Battle of Biography of Charles Martel, Frankish Ruler Charles Martel (August 23, 686 CE–October 22, 741 CE) was the leader of the Frankish army and, effectively, the ruler of the Frankish kingdom, or Francia (present-day Germany and France). He is known for winning the Battle of Tours in 732 CE and turning back the Muslim invasions of Europe. He is the grandfather of Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor. Fast Facts: Charles Martel Known For: Ruler of the Frankish kingdom, known for winning the Battle of Tours and turning back the Muslim invasions of EuropeAlso Known As: Carolus Martellus, Karl Martell, Martel (or the Hammer)Born: August 23, 686 CEParents: Pippin the Middle and AlpaidaDied: October 22, 741 CESpouse(s): Rotrude of Treves, Swanhild; mistress, RuodhaidChildren: Hiltrud, Carloman, Landrade, Auda, Pippin the Younger, Grifo, Bernard, Hieronymus, Remigius, and Ian Early Life Charles Martel (August 23, 686–October 22, 741) was the son of Pippin the Middle and his second wife, Alpaida. Pippin was the mayor of the palace to the King of the Franks and essentially ruled Francia (France and Germany today) in his place. Shortly before Pippins death in 714, his first wife, Plectrude, convinced him to disinherit his other children in favor of his 8-year-old grandson Theudoald. This move angered the Frankish nobility and, following Pippins death, Plectrude tried to prevent Charles from becoming a rallying point for their discontent and imprisoned the 28-year-old in Cologne. Rise to Power and Reign By the end of 715, Charles had escaped from captivity and found support among the Austrasians who comprised one of the Frankish kingdoms. Over the next three years, Charles conducted a civil war against King Chilperic and the Mayor of the Palace of Neustria, Ragenfrid. Charles suffered a setback at Cologne (716) before winning key victories at Ambleve (716) and Vincy (717). After taking time to secure his borders, Charles won a decisive victory at Soissons over Chilperic and the Duke of Aquitaine, Odo the Great, in 718. Triumphant, Charles was able to gain recognition for his titles as mayor of the palace and duke and prince of the Franks. Over the next five years, he consolidated power as well as conquered Bavaria and Alemmania before defeating the Saxons. With the Frankish lands secured, Charles next began to prepare for an anticipated attack from the Muslim Umayyads to the south. Family Charles married Rotrude of Treves with whom he had five children before her death in 724. These were Hiltrud, Carloman, Landrade, Auda, and Pippin the Younger. Following Rotrudes death, Charles married Swanhild, with whom he had a son Grifo. In addition to his two wives, Charles had an ongoing affair with his mistress Ruodhaid. Their relationship produced four children, Bernard, Hieronymus, Remigius, and Ian. Facing the Umayyads In 721, the Muslim Umayyads first came north and were defeated by Odo at the Battle of Toulouse. Having assessed the situation in Iberia and the Umayyad attack on Aquitaine, Charles came to believe that a professional army, rather than raw conscripts, was needed to defend the realm from invasion. To raise the money necessary to build and train an army that could withstand the Muslim horsemen, Charles began seizing Church lands, earning the ire of the religious community. In 732, the Umayyads moved north again, led by Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi. Commanding approximately 80,000 men, he plundered Aquitaine. As Abdul Rahman sacked Aquitaine, Odo fled north to seek aid from Charles. This was granted in exchange for Odo recognizing Charles as his overlord. Mobilizing his army, Charles moved to intercept the Umayyads. Battle of Tours In order to avoid detection and allow Charles to select the battlefield, the approximately 30,000 Frankish troops moved over secondary roads toward the town of Tours. For the battle, Charles selected a high, wooded plain which would force the Umayyad cavalry to charge uphill. Forming a large square, his men surprised Abdul Rahman, forcing the Umayyad emir to pause for a week to consider his options. On the seventh day, after gathering all of his forces, Abdul Rahman attacked with his Berber and Arab cavalry. In one of the few instances where medieval infantry stood up to cavalry, Charles troops defeated repeated Umayyad attacks. As the battle raged, the Umayyads finally broke through the Frankish lines and attempted to kill Charles. He was promptly surrounded by his personal guard, who repulsed the attack. As this was occurring, scouts that Charles had sent out earlier were infiltrating the Umayyad camp and freeing prisoners. Victory Believing that the plunder of the campaign was being stolen, a large part of the Umayyad army broke off the battle and raced to protect their camp. While attempting to stop the apparent retreat, Abdul Rahman was surrounded and killed by Frankish troops. Briefly pursued by the Franks, the Umayyad withdrawal turned into a full retreat. Charles reformed his troops expecting another attack, but to his surprise, it never came as the Umayyads continued their retreat all the way to Iberia. Charles victory at the Battle of Tours was later credited for saving Western Europe from the Muslim invasions and was a turning point in European history. Expanding the Empire After spending the next three years securing his eastern borders in Bavaria and Alemannia, Charles moved south to fend off an Umayyad naval invasion in Provence. In 736, he led his forces in reclaiming Montfrin, Avignon, Arles, and Aix-en-Provence. These campaigns marked the first time he integrated heavy cavalry with stirrups into his formations. Though he won a string of victories, Charles elected not to attack Narbonne due to the strength of its defenses and the casualties that would be incurred during any assault. As the campaigning concluded, King Theuderic IV died. Though he had the power to appoint a new King of the Franks, Charles did not do so and left the throne vacant rather than claim it for himself. From 737 until his death in 741, Charles focused on the administration of his realm and expanding his influence. This included subduing Burgundy in 739. These years also saw Charles lay the groundwork for his heirs succession following his death. Death Charles Martel died on October 22, 741. His lands were divided between his sons Carloman and Pippin III. The latter would father the next great Carolingian leader, Charlemagne. Charles remains were interred at the Basilica of St. Denis near Paris. Legacy Charles Martel reunited and ruled the entire Frankish realm. His victory at Tours is credited with turning back the Muslim invasion of Europe, a major turning point in European history. Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne, who became the first Roman Emperor since the fall of the Roman Empire. Sources Fouracre, Paul. The Age of Charles Martel. Routledge, 2000.Johnson, Diana M. Pepins Bastard: The Story of Charles Martel. Superior Book Publishing Co., 1999Mckitterick, Rosamond. Charlemagne: The Formation of a European Identity. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Honor Diaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Honor Diaries - Essay Example The documentary Honor Diaries examines female genital mutilation in the perspective of honor violence aimed at women. In the context of violence, viewers can learn about the mistreatment and violence that is experienced by women. For instance, Viewers can learn about Fahina Hashim from Sudan as she tries to protect the potential of Female Genital Mutilation through her work of advocacy. She is seen negotiating with her parents who could have demanded mutilation in the order in order to have some familiar honors preserved as well as the preservation of purity values. One of the greatest strength of the films is the ability to avoid racial discrimination. The film has effectively been able to represent almost every culture in the world. For instance, there is a representative for the South Asian Community, Sudan, and Iran among others. In addition, the film has also tried to balance religion by including both the Islamic religion and Christian religion through Juliana Tamoozary. Nevertheless, the movie managed to touch a nerve in Muslim cultures that are abusive to women. For instance, the film triggered hypocritical claims of Islamophobia. Islamophobia is an unwarranted fear of Islam religion. In US, there are three Universities that have optimized censorship of screenings. In most cases, such actions are usually political as the practice is shameful regardless of culture (The Clarion Project). The film is used to show viewers the various struggles and challenges that are experienced by women around the planet in the name of culture. The film acts as an inspiration to the viewers especially individuals who are tied up by cultural restrictions. The movie inspires women to break down the hindrance of political exactness and speak the truth that culture should not be used to abuse women (The Clarion
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Issues in strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Issues in strategic management - Essay Example However, it is essential to distinguish the two basic differences in the strategic management research - while one focuses on the research of the content of the strategic management ideas, the other makes the process of strategic management its object, and also examines the factors, which influence this process. It is interesting to note the expression, which can give and explain the principal roots of the strategic management decision making: Thus, the aim of the research is not only to make the taxonomy of the decision making knowledge in strategic management, but to make it simple, understandable and practical for the use in the further similar researches. Taxonomy is the science of classification of any knowledge, and can be applied to any theoretical or practical field of science. (Porac & Thomas, 1990) Applying taxonomy to the area of strategic decision making has become popular in the recent years, though attempts to systematize the schools of the strategic decision making has been attempted earlier. It was a difficult task to accomplish, as strategic decisions have been described, as being unclear, complex, unpredictable and messy. (Schwenk & Dalton, 1991) The first attempt to create at least approximate taxonomy of the strategic decision making was performed in 1976 by Mintzberg and Theoret, who were able to define the three major phases in this process, and described them as the identification phase, the development phase and the selection phase. (Goodstein et al, 1994) Hart (1992) has also created his own system of strategic decision making processes, and has divided them into five different types - the command mode, the symbolic mode, the rational mode, the transactive mode and the generative mode. The systematization of the knowledge in the area of strategic management decision making is a difficult process, but we will here attempt to create a table on the basis of the existing theoretical schools and to describe them in more detail, which will assist in further application of the knowledge found in literature in future researches and the solution of the practical issues. Taxonomy of the strategic management decision making Name of the theoretical school The author The basic knowledge used The design school model Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guth SWOT analysis; defines strategy as simple and informative process The planning school Ansoff Makes little emphasis on the concept of strategy as it is; is more concentrated on the detailed plans elaboration The entrepreneurial school Schumpeter Focuses on the CEO role in strategic decision making process The extended design school model Prescribes the CEO's vision to the building of consensus and commitment in the decision making The detailed discussion of the theoretical schools In the light of the abovementioned information and in the view of the table created on the basis of the already existing schools of strategic management thinking and decision making, it is interesting to note, that some strategies use the role of the
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