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Monday, August 24, 2020
Strengths And Limitations Of Education Campaigns Health Essay
Qualities And Limitations Of Education Campaigns Health Essay To build up the requirement for instruction among the populace and its crucial job in diminishing HIV transmission. To survey the viability (and in this manner the qualities and constraints) of different instructive battles in forestalling spread of HIV. To decide the mental and social factors that may add to the adequacy of such battles. During the 1980s and 1990s, the spread of HIV expanded drastically inside the UK, anyway has eased back down in the course of the most recent 20 years (1). Right now there are roughly 33 million individuals around the globe who are living with HIV, and every year an ever increasing number of individuals are being contaminated (2). There are a few techniques set up to help forestall the spread of HIV, including intercessions for sex laborers, treatment of STIs, willful guiding and testing and needle trade programs (3). Nonetheless, maybe one of the most significant strategies in forestalling the spread of the infection is teaching the populace both overall and as individual gatherings. When individuals have the information about how HIV is transmitted and what it is, they are then ready to take their own fundamental insurances in keeping themselves from getting tainted (4). For those as of now with HIV, instructive crusades can help increment mindfulness about how to adapt and live to the illness just as telling them the best way to forestall its transmission. For the most part, instructive battles normally will in general spotlight on in danger gatherings, for example, men who engage in sexual relations with men, sex laborers and intravenous medication clients (5, 6). In spite of the fact that this is a reasonable methodology, it is additionally significant that the crusades don't bar the training of numerous different gatherings who are not considered straightforwardly in danger, for example, the older (6). This is significant as it can build criticism of the in danger gatherings, just as not regarding the way that HIV is a non discrimative infection and can contaminate anybody. By investigating 4 sorts of instructive crusades, it is conceivable to evaluate the qualities and constraints of each, just as deciding the mental and social factors that may make a battle pretty much viable. Broad communications Campaigns Broad communications crusades are commonly utilized by governments as a technique to drastically build general mindfulness among the entire populace (2). Numerous types of media can be utilized, for instance notices on TV, web sites, flyers and banners dispersed to every family unit. This kind of instructive crusade guarantees that everybody has a similar familiarity with HIV, and can likewise be utilized to provoke individuals into further research for themselves (7). During the 1980s, the UK propelled one such crusade, with the motto: AIDS: Dont kick the bucket of obliviousness (8). This had an extraordinary impact in expanding general mindfulness among the entire populace, anyway this sort of mass training additionally has its impediments. The general adequacy is hard to evaluate, as it is such a general type of training, just as the way that it isn't the main strategy for HIV counteraction strategies that were established around then (9). Additionally, it doesn't target explicit conduct gives that should be changed and with its across the board system it likewise is hard to arrive at peripheral gatherings (2). Another angle that is a significant destruction is that it might even expand disgrace and separation as some early battles utilized dread as the fundamental factor in lessening HIV spread, which made numerous individuals become frightful of those with HIV (10). It additionally could have prompted a decline in individuals getting tried for HIV as they were so stressed over the impacts, both social just as physical. On the off chance that these dread crusades were engaged to explicit hazard gatherings, it could cause a significant defamation of these individuals which would empower the view that on the off chance that you were not a piece of the hazard bunch there was no should be worried about HIV (2). HIV training in schools Around 1 of every 6 new HIV contaminations in 2008 were among individuals who were under 15 years of age (2). In this way it is critical for youngsters to be outfitted with the information about what HIV is, the manner by which it is transmitted, and how they can decrease their danger of getting contaminated whether or not they are explicitly dynamic or not. Schools are an astounding spot to build youthful people groups mindfulness as they are so all inclusive and in this way would have the option to focus on a wide crowd. Likewise proof shows that when focused at a youthful age, instructive battles for wellbeing advancement will in general be met all the more responsively by the youthful (11). By ingraining youngsters with information about HIV hazards and lessening oppression those with HIV at an early age, these thoughts and qualities will be held for the duration of their lives and help in the drawn out reduction in HIV pervasiveness (12). Anyway there are still a few confinements to instructive crusades inside schools. The idea of the instruction may not be general, as certain schools may concentrate on forbearance just projects, which would not educate about safe sex and condom use (12). Since 1997, USA subsidizing has expanded in advancing these sorts of projects inside its schools in spite of studies indicating that there is no drawn out impact on sexual wellbeing results (12). Some strict schools over the world additionally forestall the instructing of safe sex and condom use among the youthful as well as everyone (2). HIV training in the work environment Just as schools, the work environment is likewise a perfect spot to focus on a wide crowd who might be responsive to itemized data about HIV and its transmission. By expanding mindfulness about HIV and AIDS inside the work environment, individuals who are both conveying just as getting this data would then have the option to actualize the practices both in their working lives just as showing their loved ones (2). There are likewise numerous callings that may in certainty convey an expanded danger of HIV transmission, for instance those that work in human services (13). These laborers would be at an expanded peril of percutaneous wounds and explicit instruction about how to stay away from such wounds and what to do in case of one happening is fundamental to forestalling the viruss transmission (14). Expanded information about the illness would likewise have the advantage of decreasing the shame encompassing HIV and AIDS and forestall segregation in the working environment. This kind of training, albeit viable, may not be instituted at each working environment in this way a few diseases may at present happen through absence of mindfulness. Additionally shame and oppression the individuals who are contaminated may likewise ledge exist. HIV and Peer Education Companion training is an amazing method of teaching various gatherings, particularly those gatherings which will in general be underestimated by society (2). It is a method of helping individuals inside these gatherings to identify with the speaker and to be open about the substance of conversation (15). As the companion teachers are by and large from a comparable social foundation as the gathering, it is subsequently a considerably more loose and social method of instruction. Individuals additionally may feel significantly increasingly happy with posing inquiries about delicate subjects and issues to somebody they can identify with and feel progressively loose around (16). Studies have indicated that peer instruction works especially well with citizenry who are in danger of HIV however incredulous of definitive figures, for example, those in penitentiaries (2). This is significant as it gives a fantastic method of contacting those in minimized gatherings who need HIV training to bui ld mindfulness yet may not realize how to approach accepting this. Likewise with all the above strategies for instructive battles, peer training would be dependable and precise, as the individuals who are teaching would have experienced later and important preparing (16). Notwithstanding, peer training might be hard to set up, and would likewise be dependant on government backing and private associations and good cause setting them up in any case. Issues, for example, national oppression gay people would likewise decrease the degree of instruction gave, for instance in nations, for example, Zimbabwe, where the president has straightforwardly censured homosexuality (17). End In spite of the fact that these are not by any means the only kinds of instructive systems accessible, every ha a few qualities and well as a couple of constraints. The constraints will in general be engaged towards a degree of shame and victimization those with HIV and a dread of the infection itself by the two people just as governments. Anyway it is just with right understanding and instruction in the issues encompassing HIV that individuals can figure out how to maintain a strategic distance from pointless disease and regard the way that HIV is an all inclusive issue and can influence anybody. Instruction is exceptionally significant, anyway on its own it can just go so far in halting the spread of HIV. Different techniques for hurt avoidance should likewise be established to guarantee that HIV transmission is limited, for instance needle trade programs, open facility testing and available condoms would be required (4). When individuals comprehend the social just as physical elements related with HIV, they should have the option to have spots to go that offer help and can support them on the off chance that they wished to encourage their insight about the infection. Taking everything into account, instructive crusades must both be far reaching to get to the populace in general, just as focused to people and explicit gatherings so as to change dangerous practices both in the short and long haul.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why dont Milwaukee School of Engineering offer bus passes for students Assignment - 1
Why dont Milwaukee School of Engineering offer transport goes for understudies - Assignment Example The circumstance of movement in the grounds is needing particularly for understudies. There are numerous advantages of the transport passes however the two that stand apart are; cost adequacy and comfort for the staff and the understudies. It is additionally beneficial taking note of that to advance the transport pass culture; MSOE can receive the U-Pass culture and furthermore remember the expense for transport go for educational cost to keep away from moment installment of transport pass charge which may be seen exorbitant for the time being. On the extraordinary end they can offer free transport go as an impetus for understudies. Anyway the difficulties confronted incorporate security issues at get focuses, non 24 hour activity and the expenses brought about by the grounds. It is along these lines seen that transport pass culture is a superior culture by gauging the upsides and downsides and in this way it is suggested that the reception of the U-Pass or some other limited or free transport pass is essential for learning in MSOE This is a report on the easygoing investigation of the transportation circumstance in Milwaukee School of Engineering with explicit respect to the utilization of transport passes by understudies. This college usually alluded to as MSOE is a private college arranged in the parts downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is a philanthropic making element that offers degrees in Engineering, Nursing, Mathematics, Business, Technical correspondence among others. Throughout the years the school has had an extraordinary radical of graduate and college understudies. By 2011 the count of understudies was assessed at in excess of 2500 understudies sharing both alumni and college classes. Because of the ascent in the quantity of understudies, transportation to the issue has been a difficult issue and discussion about the most secure, generally helpful and most conservative type of movement understudies should utilize has been on the rising. Understudies, residents and different partners have placed ent husiasm for the issue and have offered different recommendations on the best travel mode for understudies. This college is among the
Saturday, July 25, 2020
The Language of Admissions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
The Language of Admissions - UGA Undergraduate Admissions The Language of Admissions My daughter, who is a sophomore International Affairs major at UGA, probably thinks she can hold her own in a hospital operating room. Why? Because being a Greys Anatomy fangirl has taught her all the medical lingo she would ever need in this life. Fourteen seasons and 317 episodes of the life of Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Miranda Bailey, McDreamy, McSteamy, and all the other doctors of Seattle Grace/Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital have taught her well. Words like V-Fib, central line, metastasis, Pre and Post-Op, and phrases such as I need a ten-blade and 100 ccs of epi stat can just roll off her tongue. Me, I am terrified of blood, and almost all medical terms just go right over my head, even with a wife who is a nurse. In the same way, a number of occupations and offices have their own language. If you have ever been to the Varsity (a wonderfully greasy hamburger place in Atlanta and Athens), you know they have their own lingo for food, from a Naked Dog to Chili Steak all the way (see the Varsity Lingo page for the full details). Whether you are an accountant, in construction, work in finance or are a lawyer, every field seems to have their own language. College admissions is no different, and it can sometimes get confusing. Here is a helpful guide to some of the key words and phrases in the world of admissions. Binding: While there are many Early terms (early decision, early action, early notification, early admission, and EA II), the key term is for all of these is whether the offer is binding, meaning that X college is considered an applicants top choice, and if admitted, they will attend (thus a binding offer). A number of colleges such as UGA have a non-binding Early Action option (see Early Action below). Blind/Neutral: For many colleges, there will be information that the university as a whole will need to ask for some specific reason (gender for housing, family finances for financial aid) which are not used in the admission process. If a school is need blind, for instance, this means that the admissions office does not use (or even see, thus the word blind) the financial data of an applicant when making an admission decision (such as UGA). Other times, there are questions on the admission application that need to be asked for purposes other than admission (alumni information for the alumni office, gender and ethnicity for federal reporting), but are treated as a neutral non factor in the admission process. At UGA, these three factors-alumni, gender and ethnicity, have to be asked (along with a few others), but we do not use them in our admission review process. Common/Coalition Application:There are two applications which are used by a number of colleges and allow for a student to enter in a majority of their personal information (biographic data, co-curricular info, etc.) for all colleges to use and then complete a smaller amount of institution specific questions needed by each college. UGA uses both the Coalition application and our own application. Dawg: Also known as a bulldog, it is the most fierce and wonderful mascot in the known world. This is not an admission term, but one that you should know nonetheless. Defer/Deferral: A deferral decision is generally associated with an Early decision of some kind, and the college is not able to make a decision due to wanting more information about the applicant and the overall pool of applicants and more time to review the files. This is neither a denial or an offer of admission (or a wait list offer), but simply a need by the college for more time and information before making a decision on the student. The student will then be placed within the other applicants waiting for a decision, and they will be treated the same as these other applicants. Double Deposit: This is when a student sends in a deposit to two colleges (without a wait list offer being involved) to hold a place in the freshman class instead of just one. This is really looked down upon by colleges, and I compare it to a person being engaged to two people at one time. At times, this could cause a student to have an offer of admission be rescinded, as a student should only deposit at one institution. Early Action (EA): This decision plan is a non-binding review of a students application during the early part of the admission process, and it takes place in the fall of the students senior year. At UGA, the focus is on the overall academic standing of both the applicant and the Early Action applicant pool, and the deadline is earlier than for Regular Decision applicants (at UGA the EA deadline is 10/15). The decisions can be either Admit, Deny, or Defer, and a denial decision is final. FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a federal government form that students and parents complete in January/February of their senior year to apply for need based federal assistance. This form helps to determine the students eligibility for federal aid, including grants, loans and student work-study aid. Holistic Review: This is when an admissions office will do a detailed review of everything within an applicants file, and look at things such as academics, academic trends, essays, activities, leadership, recommendations (if required), supplemental materials, the rigor of a students coursework, etc. The readers of the file will try to get a sense of the overall applicant, and how the different areas of the file interconnect. This process has nothing to do with crystals, wheat germ, or any other uses of the word holistic. Interest/Demonstrated Interest: Some colleges (UGA is not included) take into account the amount of interest a prospective student has shown towards the college when making an admissions decision. If a student attends X colleges program at their high school, visits the college either on special prospective student days or for a tour and information session, or keeps in contact with the admissions counselor for their area, it can show that a student is seriously interested in X college. On the flip side, there are some students who are unable to visit X college, have limited resources, or finds out about X college late in the senior year, and cannot show as much interest. Again, some colleges use this in their process, while others (like UGA) do not. Melt: After admitted freshman send in a deposit to a college, they at times will change their mind about attending said college. Most admissions offices know that if they receive X deposits, about 3-5% of these students will ultimately not enroll, as they could have issues with finances, be admitted of a wait list at another college, have academic issues, decide to delay college, double deposit (see above), etc. At times, this is also called summer melt, as this occurs generally between May 1 and mid-August. Most colleges, such as UGA, will build this into their projections for their freshman classes. Prospect/Prospective Applicant: When a student contacts a college to request more information, sends an SAT/ACT score to admissions, or indicates gives a college their contact information at a college fair, they go into the colleges recruitment system as a prospective applicant so that the college can begin communicating with them. In addition, if you take the PSAT/PLAN or the SAT/ACT, you can ask to be a part of the student search process, and this will allow colleges to access your information from the testing agency to start communicating with you about the college search process. Rigor/Rigor of Curriculum: Colleges look at what options a student has with their course options in high school, and what courses they actually then take over their four years. In an admission review, the context of a students academic course load, and it will be come a part of both the academic and overall review of an application. Colleges look at what Honors, Advanced, Accelerated, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Dual Enrollment, and other types of courses in a review of a students rigor. School Report/Counselor Recommendation: A majority of colleges that have competitive admission processes will ask for a letter of recommendation and/or a form from a students high school counselor. This gives the college some detailed information about the school, the individual student, and the counselors insights into what the student has done academically and personally. Superscoring SAT/ACTs: A number of colleges (including UGA) will use the strongest subscores of standardized test (either the SAT or ACT) to make the strongest overall score within that specific test type. So if your first SAT exam had results of SAT EBRW 600 and SAT M 700 and your second SAT exam had results of SAT EBRW 700 and SAT M 650, your overall superscore would be EBRW 700 + M 700 = 1400. The same goes for the subscores of the ACT making a superscored ACT Composite. UGA does not combine SAT and ACT scores though (we do not add an SAT EBRW of 700 to an ACT M of 34, etc.) Wait List: Many colleges (such as UGA) have a limited number of freshman that they can enroll each year, and thus must try to come as close to possible in predicting how many admitted students will actually choose to enroll at their college. If the admissions offices prediction is low, they will go to a group of students they have not admitted or denied, called the wait list, where if there is enough room in the freshman class, they will then consider for admission. Wait List students are told to move forward with a plan B college, as colleges will not know if they can go to a wait list until mid-May at the earliest, and wait list students are given the option if they would like to stay on the list or not. Yield: Colleges know that not all students they admit will choose to enroll, and the percentage of students who do decide to enroll is called the Yield percentage. There is a wide range of yield percentages at colleges, with UGA averaging slightly over 50% over the past several years.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Dating, Marriage, And Divorce - 1365 Words
Dating, Marriage, Divorce Dating, marriage, and divorce are three very important topics that each have commands from God to us. This paper will cover the Godly view on the three, and how the worldly views contradict and harm the marriage bed. First of all, Christian dating compared to â€Å"normal†dating is very different and is viewed as strange to many people. God commands that dating is to be pure and free of sexual immorality. Nowadays, it is just about the opposite of that. Many people decide to live together while they are dating, perhaps to see if they can handle living together, or just because they don’t feel like waiting. Many decide to have sexual relations before marriage. Some do this to see if they have sexul chemistry, or just†¦show more content†¦Genesis 2: 24 says, â€Å"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.†This is very clear passage that states how special marriage is, and what a blessing sex is i nside of marriage. â€Å"It must be remembered that God has instructed us that the gift of sex has been given man in order to help Him produce children (Gen. 1: 28), express mutual love, receive the benefits of close companionship, and for mutual enjoyment. (Gen. 2: 18-24).†(Counseling Couples Contemplating Divorce) God created Eve from Adam so he would not be alone and so he could be fruitful and increase in number, as in says in Genesis 1:28, â€Å"God blessed them and said to them, â€Å"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.†Just as Adam loved Eve, husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church, and wives are to submit themselves to their husbands. Ephesians 5:33 says, â€Å"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.†God clearly says that loveShow MoreRelatedDivorce And Its Effect On Society1019 Words  | 5 PagesDivorce has been on a rise in America since the past thirty years. Almost every person might be having a divorced member in its family. Divorce has been reported to be the major cause of suicide as well. Many factors lead to divorce, some of which are online dating, financial problems and physical abuse. In the ancient Roman Republic, a simple statement for divorce was sufficient for the dissolution of a marriage. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Military Command Relationships - 1283 Words
Command Relationships Command relationships delineate authority, responsibility, and accountability for force protection and execution of the collective mission, defining command relations, and understanding the four types of command relationships are essential to effective communications and mission execution. To understand command relationships one must first understand the organizational structure of the Armed Forces Leadership and key terms that communicate authority and the relationships derived from the structured authority. In a post Katrina analysis a breakdown of command relationships revealed the need for centralized decision-making authority, and an understanding of the military role in domestic emergencies. In hind sight it†¦show more content†¦In an analysis of the situation in the aftermath of Katrina, there is a clear delineation of authority, with the National Guard of individual states remaining under state executive control of the Governor when not federa lized (Tkacz, 2006). Understanding the progression of the levels of command is paramount to understanding command interactions and how command elements are unified under one Senior Military Officer forming specific operational command relationships. Command Relationships Command relationships preserve the preeminence of civil authorities in their domains of obligation while enabling the full utilization of military forces as permitted by the United States Constitution, Congressional law, and Presidential directives (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2013). All United States military forces within respective branches operate under a single commander establishing a successive authority structure. Army command relationships define superior and subordinate relationships between unit commanders. By stipulating a chain of command, command relationships amalgamates effort and enable commanders to use subordinate forces with extreme flexibility. Army command relationships classify the level of control exerted on subordinate organizations (U.S. Department of the Army, 2014). The type of command relationship is designated by the estimated duration ofShow MoreRelatedMilitary Cyber: An Evolution In Command Relationships Essay example1415 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States Cyber Command is less than four years old. The merger and stand down of the Joint Functional Component Command for Network Warfare (JFCC-NW) and the Joint task Force for Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) formed the bulk of the new organization. 9 This new construct integrated offensive and defensive cyber capabilities in one organization resulting in efficient and effective planning and execution of cyberspace operations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Symbolic Use of Nature in the Romantic Period Free Essays
LITR 211 English Literature 18th Century to the Present Week 6 January 15, 2012 Essay #1 â€Å"The symbolic use of nature in the Romantic Period†Olejniczak, Brian #4029035 The Romantic period has very little to do with its actual name. Rather, the authors of this period used descriptive imagery and extensively referenced nature because the use of nature is symbolic. There are many authors of the Romantic period that illustrate this point. We will write a custom essay sample on The Symbolic Use of Nature in the Romantic Period or any similar topic only for you Order Now Instead of embracing the political lifestyle of the period like other era authors did, the Romantics turned to nature for inspiration. Romantics turned to nature for self fulfillment. They were turning away from the values and ideas of the previous era, embracing new ways of expressing their imagination and feelings. Instead of a concentration on ‘head,’ the intellectual focus of reason, they preferred to rely on the self, in the radical idea of individual freedom. Instead of striving for perfection, the Romantics preferred ‘the glory of the imperfect. ’†(Lombardi 2012. ) The Romantic author’s stressed the importance of the individual and boldness over the ideals of the coming Victorian age’s ideals of loyalty and fraternity. The onset of the Romantic period is said to have begun with the writings of William Wordsworth with such works as â€Å"Lines written in early spring†and â€Å"I wandered lonely as a cloud. †In Wordsworth’s ‘Lines Written In Early Spring’ he states â€Å"To her fair works did Nature link The human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man. †(Wordsworth Line 5-8. ) Here you can clearly see Wordsworth’s use of nature and how it affects the human soul. In this poem the speaker is sitting in a very lush meadow that is graphically described with such words like â€Å"sweet†and â€Å"budding twigs. †Wordsworth is very elaborate in his description of the meadow in which he is sitting in. Wordsworth looks at Nature and through his views sad thoughts come to his mind. Here he expresses his conviction in that knowledge of reality is reached through emotions and intuitions that Nature generates at being observed by man. Being Nature the real representation of reality and godliness as well. Through primrose tufts, in that green bower The periwinkle trailed its wreaths And ‘tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breaths. †(Wordsworth Line 9-12) In lines nine through twelve, he observes nature at its peak, in all its splendor and beauty. He tells about its dynamic development when he describes how the periwinkle trains its branches through the grass. He also displays his implication in this development o f natural events expressing his desire for the flowers to rejoice at their existence. Wordsworth’s poems initiated the Romantic era by emphasizing feeling, instinct, and pleasure above formality and mannerism. Lombardi, Esther (2012). Ask. com: Romantic Period: Where did it all begin? Retrieved on January 12, 2012 from http://classiclit. about. com/od/britishromantics/a/aa_britromantic. htm Wordsworth, William. Editor Bartleby Bookstore. â€Å"Lines Written In Early Spring†Retrieved on January 13, 2012 from http://www. bartleby. com/145/ww130. html How to cite The Symbolic Use of Nature in the Romantic Period, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Representations of Female Insanity free essay sample
This essay looks at the madness of female characters in Frank Norris McTeague and Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper. This paper compares and contrasts the representations of female insanity in Frank Norris? ?Mcteague? and Charlotte Perkins Gilman?s ?The Yellow Wallpaper specifically looking at Trina and the narrator and how such characters fit in to the stereotypes that women were faced with at the turn of the twentieth century. From the paper: ?The end of the nineteenth century represented a time of turmoil for the American female. There was conflict about what a woman?s role was in society. Many believed that women should be a kind of angel in the house, or a true woman, one that was a virtuous and passionless moral agent. On the other hand, there was a growing movement that promoted the transition into the new woman, or a woman that had a career and could express her sexuality. We will write a custom essay sample on Representations of Female Insanity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ?
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